Harmony Fusion Chorus is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. We are self-funded and rely on income from performances, donations and fundraising to pay for chorus expenses, educational events and community outreach projects.

You can help Harmony Fusion Chorus to thrive.  Here are some ways to Supprt Us!  

Shop with these programs that rebate a percent of your purchase amounts to the chorus..
  • Shop with RaiseRight (formerly Scrip): (Gift Cards, Reloads & eGift cards)

  • Shop with iGive: Shop online retailers 

RaiseRight.com (formerly ShopwithScrip) is the number one fundraising program, where anyone who wants to support the chorus can.  Along with chorus members, friends and family,

With 750+ brands to choose from, there is a brand for every household need or wish list. Plus, you can pick from eGift cards, physical gift cards, and reloading funds digitally onto existing physical gift cards. It’s instant earning with every purchase. Gift cards from RaiseRight have no activation fees and they never expire.

How to join: visit How to get started webpage


iGive fundraising program provides you access to 1,700 online stores, including all your favorites. Go to www.iGive.com, to register to create your account. Then shop online as you normally would.